Since Sunday is the day of rest & reflection I'm starting a regular Sunday Evening post...
I'll start this Sunday with the awful Floods In Australia...What Can I do? What Can You do?
We have a Phat Fiber friend Roo (of Moonwood Farm) Who's home town is Brisbane, Queensland, the very same city that has just been completely and utterly flooded.
I'm just going to re-post her post & Blog for those of you who would like to help... I'm going to try myself.
So calling all Phatties & Friends
January 16, 2011
Help Grantham - win some Moonwood Farm fiber!
FLOOD APPEAL Grantham, a very small community outside of Brisbane, Queensland (Australia) is a place where everyone knows everyone else. And it's a place that holds very fond memories for me as I used to spend every weekend there with the Vayro family. I went to school with their oldest daughter, and rode the school bus home with her every Friday to help with the raising of their Welsh Mountain ponies. They took me under their wing as an extra daughter.Imagine my growing alarm, while reading my Facebook news feed, I stumble across more and more desperate posts from friends and family back home. While I was sitting in my warm, dry home in Huntsville, AL, they were watching the floodwater rise, and worse, due to power outages and downed phone lines, did not know how their families were... or where they were for that matter.One friend in Brisbane could not reach his mother who was watching flood waters rise in her home. He ended up finding a back way through and got her out just as the waters came across the last dry bridge in and out of her area. Two schooldfriends were unable to reach their parents until it was all over, luckily they were safe. But the interview they did for television told of the awful screams they heard as flood waters in Grantham came up out of nowhere and simply washed people away. Of how they watched people running, grabbing hold of others to pull them along out of danger, including a gentleman who carried a child under each arm as he ran, neither of them his.It is tragic... complete devastation.So here's the deal. We can help. I know we can. I know YOU can. Even if it's US $5.00. Moonwood farms offering some lovely Moonwood Farm fiber goodies up for grabs. Donate some funds to the Grantham Flood Support so that these people can begin rebuilding their shattered lives. The link is here below:
After you have donated, please come back here and leave a comment with your paypal transaction number in it. Don't forget to print a copy of your donation too, for this is tax deductible!
On 1 February She will draw some names from the comments below, and those people will receive some delicious spinning fibers of her choice. And, cover the shipping, so don't worry about that.Go to it, folks.
Thanks so much for sharing, Sue!! :)